My Pyrenees HRP Diary - Introduction

This blog was begun in 2015, to record my walk along the Pyrenees HRP from Hendaye to Banyuls. If you want to read about that, I suggest you start here.

But that is all in the past now, and I have expanded the blog a little to cover more recent events.. such as:

Pennine Way 2024
Snowdonia Way 2017
Hebden Bridge 2015
Equipment Reviews
North Downs Way 2017
Pennine Way 2019

I hope you will find something interesting. Please do provide a little feedback or comment, and if you are interested in something that I didn't say enough about, please let me know .. happy walking!


Thursday 6 June 2024

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 3: Standedge - Hebden Bridge

Distance:  18 miles      Total:  54.12   (Tracklog: 15.72)   Steps:  36383

Things seen: More curlews! More reservoirs than you could imagine. And at last, some fine views..


The forecast for today was better, so I set off with high hopes. Wayne was off to Newcastle, and dropped me back at the Standedge car park about 9.30. Looking at the sky, I put my waterproofs on before I set off, and sure enough, about 1 minute later the heavens opened. There were three heavy showers during the morning, but after that it was dry with occasional glimpses of the sun, even. 

Today is another long one, 18 miles, but only undulating rather than hilly. There are ridges - Standedge itself, and Blackstone Edge, with some fine views once the rain stopped. I made good time to get to the White House Inn by just after 1pm. Four Pennine Ways, four lunches here. It is altogether one of my favourite pubs, friendly and good food. Recommended, if you are ever in the neighbourhood. 

After lunch I set off again on what must be one of the dullest bits of the PW, endless gravel paths past an endless series of reservoirs. I was relieved to see Stoodley Pike finally come into view, though Stoodley is one of those annoying things, visible from far away, that never seen to get any closer! And once I got there, it was still at least another hour before I got to Hebden Bridge.

I had found a b&b hard to book in Hebden and eventually resorted to booking an Airbnb. I had endless trouble with their website, but a phone call to Mike, the host, sorted everything out and I was soon ensconced in my room, tired once again, but happy and with the prospect of a rest day tomorrow. 

View from Standedge edge..

Not sure if this is still accurate? Just beyond the M62 crossing.





















They do good boundary markers in these parts.






















Stoodley Pike, a brooding and imposing monument to I am never quite sure what. 

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