My Pyrenees HRP Diary - Introduction

This blog was begun in 2015, to record my walk along the Pyrenees HRP from Hendaye to Banyuls. If you want to read about that, I suggest you start here.

But that is all in the past now, and I have expanded the blog a little to cover more recent events.. such as:

Pennine Way 2024
Snowdonia Way 2017
Hebden Bridge 2015
Equipment Reviews
North Downs Way 2017
Pennine Way 2019

I hope you will find something interesting. Please do provide a little feedback or comment, and if you are interested in something that I didn't say enough about, please let me know .. happy walking!


Sunday 23 June 2024

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 18: Byrness - Auchope Hut

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 18: Byrness - Auchope Hut

Distance:   20.7 miles      Total: 285.52  (Tracklog: 18.32)  Steps:  41,829

Things seen: More Spine racers, some friendly race organisers, and the Cheviot hills at their best.


At last, a *good* day!

I set off from Byrness House about 8.30am, with clean clothes and a huge packed lunch. There is a stiff climb for the first hour or so up to the moors, and then a long walk the full length of the Cheviots which is really rather lovely, at least in the good weather we are finally having now. I reached the first refuge hut at 8.3 miles from Byrness by about 12, and stayed there a while talking to the Spine organisers.. then set off with the aim of reaching the second hut, at Auchope. The race had commandeered the huts, but I could camp nearby.  I meandered along at my own pace, reaching the second hut around 7.30pm. Shortly before, I was overtaken by a Spine racer who had started from Edale the preceding Sunday morning. So, Edale to Kirk Yetholm in five days.. an average of at least 55 miles each day. I told him I had done the same, albeit starting a fortnight earlier than him, and he said "You are doing it right, for the fun and enjoyment. We just do it for the gruelling." Then off he went...

I put my tent up at the second hut and chatted to the race staff there. They were concerned because two entrants had left the first hut, in danger of being disqualified as over the time limit, and had not been seen since. Eventually two of the staff set off back up the hill to look for them. One had collapsed completely, and had to be carried off the hills by a mountain rescue team. The other had revived a bit and they walked him down to the hut. He was a bit crabby about having to do this, I think he had hoped for a comfy stretcher, and even the next morning was sounding off a bit. I saw his feet, they really did not look good. Still he was able to walk down Into KY with one of the support staff. 

A view from the Cheviots. The Auchope hut and accompanying tents are visible on the saddle in the distance, though you might need a good screen to see it. 

The views all across the Cheviots are magnificent, it is so hard to capture them on a phone!

a lot of cotton grass around this year. 

the Auchope hut, with Spine support staff and some tents.. not put mine up yet. 

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