My Pyrenees HRP Diary - Introduction

This blog was begun in 2015, to record my walk along the Pyrenees HRP from Hendaye to Banyuls. If you want to read about that, I suggest you start here.

But that is all in the past now, and I have expanded the blog a little to cover more recent events.. such as:

Pennine Way 2024
Snowdonia Way 2017
Hebden Bridge 2015
Equipment Reviews
North Downs Way 2017
Pennine Way 2019

I hope you will find something interesting. Please do provide a little feedback or comment, and if you are interested in something that I didn't say enough about, please let me know .. happy walking!


Sunday 16 June 2024

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 13: High Cup Nick - Alston

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 13: Hannah's Well - Alston

Distance:  21.3 miles      Total:  203.62   (Tracklog: 19.38)     Steps:  43,143

Things seen: rain, rain and more rain.


Well, today was quite a day. Having camped at High Cup Nick, it rained all night but when I woke up about 5am it had eased off and soon stopped. I got up and packed away the tent, set off about 6am. The plan was to walk across the moor to pick up the PW trail coming up from Dufton.  Mostly that was fine but for the last mile or more there was no path so it became quite hard work. Also it started raining again. Still I got to Knock Old Man by about 8am. Then follows a series of large fells, Great Dun Fell, Little Dun Fell, and then Cross Fell, at 893m the highest point in England outside the Lake District. Since you have to go down after getting to the top of each, in order to reach the next one, it is all quite gruelling. I got to the top of Cross Fell, and luckily the rain stopped again. I went downhill to Greg's Hut, by the time I reached it, it was raining again and that carried on for the rest of the day. 

The long and stony path down into Garrigill seemed endless in the steady rain, and so did the path from there to Alston. Less said about that the better, I was glad to reach the hostel at Alston. 4 PWs, 4 visits to this welcoming hostel. Every stitch of clothing I was wearing was soaked through. I got changed, put it all into the drying room, and went for a beer and something to eat with Trevor. He and Sula had spent the previous night on Greg's Hut ("very cold") and were now staying at the hostel. 

I have another rest day, my third and last, tomorrow and it is just as well!

Not many photos, because of the weather:

Some fine views along the ridge above High Cup Nick, weather permitting



















A lonely and neglected trig. point on Dufton Moor

the trig. point at Cross Fell. Superb views right to the Lake District, when no clouds in the way.. 

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