My Pyrenees HRP Diary - Introduction

This blog was begun in 2015, to record my walk along the Pyrenees HRP from Hendaye to Banyuls. If you want to read about that, I suggest you start here.

But that is all in the past now, and I have expanded the blog a little to cover more recent events.. such as:

Pennine Way 2024
Snowdonia Way 2017
Hebden Bridge 2015
Equipment Reviews
North Downs Way 2017
Pennine Way 2019

I hope you will find something interesting. Please do provide a little feedback or comment, and if you are interested in something that I didn't say enough about, please let me know .. happy walking!


Sunday 16 June 2024

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 14: Alston rest day

Pennine Way 2024 - Day 14:  Alston rest day

Distance:  1.3 miles      Total:  204.92        Steps:  3,048

Things seen: Alston, a pleasant, quaint little town. 


A quiet day today, recuperating after the efforts of yesterday. 20+ miles including those big fells, mostly in the rain, took it out of me. I have various aches and pains, the only one that is really troubling me is back pain - not usually a problem when walking - and I have been doing my back exercises to help settle it. YHA beds don't help. I am longer than they are..

Done a little shopping, got everything wet dried out, and brought this blog up to date. Had an indifferent Sunday lunch at the Alston House Hotel.

The Spine Race  started today apparently. As a result, this hostel is fully booked for the next week or more. In fact there is very little, between here and Kirk Yetholm. And none at all, in KY. I hate the Spine Race :-( (but, see later on..)

No photos today as I forgot this morning, and it has been raining steadily since 3pm.

Weather update:

- 11 walking days, of which:

- constant rain, sometimes heavy  3

- showers, sometimes heavy 4

- occasional light showers 2

- no rain at all, at least while walking 2

1 comment:

  1. YHA seem to be so often booked up with large parties. On one occasion I was even refused to camp in one that was designated to accept camping, because they had a party of children in the hostel. Also their charges compare unfavourably with many B and Bs. They have also closed many hostels in good walking country including the one we had here in Arnside. We are in an AONB a superb area for walking.
