Friday 24 July 2015

Update - Days 14 -16

As you might have gathered, I have been out of mobile range for some time. I should not complain about this, in a way it is what the pyrenees are all about! What I am complaining about however, is that I have been dutifully writing a blog each day and storing it as a draft, but now Blogger will not upload them even though I do finally have wifi, and I fear that they are lost forever. Boo!

So, to summarise:
- I am now (Sunday 26 July)  in Gavarnie, about 40%of the way, and still in moderately good working order.
The missing episodes are:
day 14 - Candanchu - Refuge Pombie
Day 15 - Refuge Pombie - Refuge Arremoulits
Day 16 - Refuge Arremoulits - Refuge Respomuso

For the days following, from Respomuso to Gavarnie where I am now, I will put up posts tomorrow. For the three missing days I will try to tell it all in photos, below. .. There are some quite exciting bits!

Me with my six beautiful Belgian friends. They went off to Ayous, but I did see them again at Oulettes
view looking East. In the centre is the pic du Midi d'Ossau 
getting closer to it. .
a viper, about 1m long. Poisonous, I'm told, but also very shy. I've seen two more since
Refuge d'Arremoulits, old and primitive, but cheerful and welcoming. All refuges were like this once
Arremoulits sole sanitary arrangement, a squatty loo and a hose for flushing. .
I fell over and broke my nose! It was quite spectacular at the time, but is healing nicely now. 
the scene of the crime, scrambling over those rocks. . I was extremely grateful to Mick and Gayle who patched me up afterwards  (there is more about this on their blog: and to Joost, Kaatje and Irena who messed up their own day by waiting with me and then walking on to Respomuso with me


  1. Poor Jerry - but smiling through adversity. That must hurt!

  2. Well done Mick and Gayle!
    It's perhaps an S5 problem, Jerry. Mine has a tendency to 'lose' drafts if the emails aren't posted straight away.
