Wednesday 22 July 2015

HRP Day 14

Tuesday 21 July  Candanchu - Refuge Pombie

So, here I am in what is becoming the high Pyrenees. Pombie is at 2035m and tomorrow's destination, Arremoulits, is at 2305m.
I was pleased with the day's efforts. 12 miles may not sound far but this included more than a mile of vertical ascent (1500m). I have happy memories of Lac Peyreget where I camped and swam on my previous visit. On the way up today however (I had forgotten the appalling climb to get there! ) there were rumblings of thunder and then the heavens opened. By the time I got to the lac I was in full wet weather gear and it was tipping down. Neither camping not swimming seemed inviting so I pressed on to Pombie and booked in.
Today I saw a snake, a lot of lizards and for the first time this trip, a marmot or two. I love marmots, they are easy to hear but hard to get close to.
I will probably not see an electric socket for another four days or so, until Gavarnie.  So although I will upload this if I get a signal (nothing here! ) I must conserve battery so photos will have to wait. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Jerry - Mick and I have arrived in Cauterets today, in the land of power and mobile reception, and having remembered the URL you gave, here I am. Looking forward to subsequent updates and hope that by the time you read this your nose will be feeling better.
